
Journal 5 " Humanism "

We already know about behaviorism,   cognitivism, and constructivism learning theory. We have discuss it in my previous journal, you can check   them J . But now we will discuss different theory that is humanism learning theory. Of course that is different with the previous theory. So without further ado let’s go to the theory. Humanism is a paradigm / philosophy / pedagogical approach that believes learning is viewed as a personal act to fulfill one’s potential. Focuses on the human freedom, dignity, and potential. So humanism learning theory is emphasize in self development and focus on self potential. Every individual have different potential and talents. Impossible if everyone in this world have same talent and skills, it must be different in every person. The way to develop self potential is give freedom to them to choose what they learn and how they learn. It will be different in each person but they will enjoy it and can train their self potential. We have four figure...

Journal 4 "Constructivism Vygotsky & Bruner"

Did you have heard about constructivism learning theory? Is it same with the behaviorism and cognitivism theory? Here we will discuss about it. Constructivism is a learning method that human learning independently. They have to construct their own knowledge. Learning is an active process, student must learn by their own self and develop it with their experience. By learning in their self, students will understand and memorizing the material easily. Knowledge also influence by their environment, it influence how they think and what they think about. Each student have different point of view, in the same lesson or activity the result of each student can be different. Lev Vygotsky Vygotsky’s best-known concept is the  Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD). The   ZPD has been defined as “the distance between the actual developmental level as determined by independent problem solving and the level of potential development as determined through problem-solving under adult guidanc...

Journal 3 "Cognitivism Piaget & Vygotsky"

Gambar Cognitivism learning theory have focuses in process not only in the result. Opposites from behaviorism that only focused on the result. Cognitivists put more focuse on internal process and connection in learning. They stated that learning it’s just not about stimulus and response connection but it’s about perception changes that cannot sees from outsides. We have two popular cognitivist there are Jean Piaget and Lev Vygotsky. Piaget was the first psychologist to make a systematic study of cognitive learning theory. According to Piaget cognitive development is a genetic process that is biological mechanism of nervous system development. When an individual evolve into adult, they will experience biological adaptation to its environment and will cause qualitative changes in the cognitive structure. Piaget proposed four major stage of cognitive developme...

Journal 2 "Behaviorisme Watson & Staats"

Behaviorisme adalah teori belajar yang menyatakan semua perilaku dipelajari melalui interaksi dengan lingkungan melalui proses yang disebut pengkondisian. Dalam suatu percobaan yang kontroversial di tahun 1921, Watson dan asisten risetnya melakukan eksperimen terhadap seorang balita bernama Albert. Pada awal eksperimen, balita tersebut tidak takut terhadap tikus. Ketika balita memegang tikus,  Watson mengeluarkan suara dengan tiba-tiba dan keras. Balita menjadi takut dengan suara yang tiba-tiba dan keras sekaligus takut terhadap tikus. Akhirnya, tanpa ada suara keras sekalipun, balita menjadi takut terhadap tikus. Pada tahun 1913 ketika John Watson menulis sebuah artikel berjudul 'Psikologi sebagai pandangan behavioris,' ia menetapkan sejumlah asumsi mendasar mengenai metodologi dan analisis perilaku antara lain : Semua perilaku dipelajari dari lingkungan. Behaviorisme merupakan faktor lingkungan dan mengesampingkan faktor bawaan. Behaviorisme terutama berkaitan dengan peril...

Journal 1"Behaviorisme Thorndike, Pavlov, Skinner"

Teori belajar behavioristik merupakan teknik pembelajaran yang memandang bahwa perilaku belajar seseorang hanya kejadian yang tampak dengan kasat mata/ nampak secara fisik dan mengabaikan aspek-aspek mental.  Ada tiga tokoh dalam teori belajar behavioristik Edward Lee Thorndike, Ivan Petrovich Pavlov, dan Burrhus Frederic Skinner. Thorndike melakukan percobaan dengan memasukkan kucing lapar ke dalam sangkar. Percobaan ini bertujuan untuk memunculkan stimulus dan respons. Untuk memunculkan respons yang tepat diperlukaan percobaan trials dan errors. Percobaan yang dilakukan adalah dengan memasukkan kucing yang telah dilaparkan ke dalam sangkar yang tertutup. Dalam sangkar tersebut terdapat tombol yang jika disentuh dapat membuka sangkar tersebut secara otomatis, sehingga kucing dapat memakan makanan yang terdapat diluar sangkar. Percobaan ini dilakukan 10-12 kali hingga kucing dapat dengan sengaja menyentuh tombol sehingga sangkar terbuka. Teori tersebut menghasilkan bahwa belajar me...