Journal 5 " Humanism "
We already
know about behaviorism, cognitivism, and
constructivism learning theory. We have discuss it in my previous journal, you
can check them J. But now we will discuss different theory that is humanism
learning theory. Of course that is different with the previous theory. So
without further ado let’s go to the theory.
is a paradigm / philosophy / pedagogical approach that believes learning is
viewed as a personal act to fulfill one’s potential. Focuses on the human
freedom, dignity, and potential. So humanism learning theory is emphasize in
self development and focus on self potential. Every individual have different
potential and talents. Impossible if everyone in this world have same talent
and skills, it must be different in every person. The way to develop self
potential is give freedom to them to choose what they learn and how they learn.
It will be different in each person but they will enjoy it and can train their
self potential. We have four figures that develop humanism.
Erik Erkson
He state that
personality develops in predetermined order through eight stages of
psychosocial development, from infancy trough adult hood. He has stages of
psychosocial development.
In that stages there
are order from infant to older adult. In each stage exist psychosocial crisis
it can be positive or negative, the positive crisis are on the top and the
negative are on the bottom. A person get positive or negative crisis is
determine on their personality, mental, and also their environment. Example, in
infant stage the baby is only can cry if they are hungry, when they are crying
is there someone come and feed them or no one will come. If there are someone
come the baby will trust to that person and if nobody come the baby will have
mistrust. Next in toddler stage the baby is no longer con only cry, they have
also can walk, speak, playing, etc. they can do some activity by their own
self. If they have courage to do the activity by their self it means they have
autonomy/independence, but if they can’t do that it means they have shame and doubt.
Abraham Maslow
He makes hierarchy of
There are five points
of human needs. In the bottom that is physiological needs it’s the basic needs
and on the top is self-actualization it’s the highest stage. If we want to
reach self-actualization we must complete the basic needs. Each step must be
fulfilled until we reach self-actualization.
Howard Gardner
Howard Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences proposes
that people are not born with all of the intelligence they will ever have.
There are eight different types of intelligence. Every person has their own
intelligences and it can’t be same one and the other. This theory against the
traditional notion that there is one single type of intelligence called general
intelligence that only focuses on cognitive intelligence. Sometimes in school
only focuses on cognitive intelligence and not attach importance in another
intelligence, but now is already change, school has provide activity or
learning about another intelligence like music, art, etc.
Malone & Mark Lepper
made game that motivate player to engage in problem solving and critical
thinking. There are four factors that can motivate in individual :
There are three interpersonal motivate factors
(between people) :
There are strategies to motivate people :
If we use all of that point we can make a game that very attractive to play with and also can very beneficial if we use learning in that game, because we can learning and playing in one time.
I think humanism is good to know about our self. The learning
methods are be adapted with our own ability. It can be good and bad because the
learning result can be different in each student, and the teacher should give
extra effort because we must see things from the child point of view. The question
is, how to overcome the student who have difficulties to understand the
material because they must learn by self directed.
Sources & Reference:
L, "Humanism," in Learning Theories, March
3, 2020,
M. (2020, June 09). Gardner's theory of multiple intelligencesy.
Simply Psychology.
S. A. (2018, May 03). Erik erikson's stages of psychosocial
development. Simply Psychology.
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